Updated: June 9, 2023.

50+ ways of using ChatGPT for SEO together with example prompts, responses, tips, and screenshots. 

Are you ready to learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT for SEO? 

I’ve been diving into ChatGPT for the past two months and I’m blown away by all the amazing things it can do. 

In this article, I’ll be sharing 50 ways you can use ChatGPT for SEO to supercharge your SEO efforts and streamline your workflow. 

Let’s dive in and explore the possibilities!

ChatGPT for SEO
50+ Ways of Using ChatGPT for SEO

About this guide to ChatGPT for SEO

I’m excited to share with you 50+ different ways you can use ChatGPT for SEO. 

I’ve personally tested and experimented with each of these techniques, and while I’m not the original author of all of them, I’ve done my best to give credit where it’s due.

At the end of this article, I’ve included a list of references for you to dive deeper into these topics. 

My hope is that this resource will provide you with valuable insights and inspire you to think creatively about how you can use ChatGPT in your own SEO efforts.

While there are other powerful uses of the ChatGPT API in various tools and Chrome extensions, this guide solely focuses on what can be done within the ChatGPT interface itself. Nevertheless, this guide will provide sufficient information to get started for most people.

Tips & limitations of using ChatGPT for SEO

While I’m a huge fan of using ChatGPT for SEO, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

There are certain limitations to what it can do and certain tasks that may require a different approach.

Before writing this article, I asked ChatGPT to provide 50 ways it can be used for SEO. Of course, the initial list it provided needed significant editing and review.

ChatGPT creating ideas for article about ChatGPT for SEO

This is pretty much always the case even though the output produced by ChatGPT sounds very true and very correct.

That’s why when using ChatGPT:

  • You need to understand these limitations and be mindful of when it’s appropriate to use ChatGPT for SEO and when it’s not. 
  • You need to keep in mind that ChatGPT rarely provides the exact output you need after the first interaction with it. It often requires some back and forth to refine the output.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for refinements and changes, and provide as much data as possible to ChatGPT to ensure it has all the necessary input to produce quality output. 

By understanding these limitations and taking a strategic approach to using ChatGPT for SEO, you can leverage its power to help you become a better SEO.

50+ Ways of Using ChatGPT for SEO

So let’s get right into exploring the incredible ways you can use ChatGPT for SEO!

ChatGPT for SEO #1: Brainstorming ideas for articles or videos  

ChatGPT can help you generate ideas for articles and videos, giving you a solid starting point for your content creation. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating ideas for articles and videos

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Provide ChatGPT with the information about you or your website (or YouTube channel) first to get a more concrete response.  
  • Ask for more topics or topics focused on a specific subtopic to get more concrete answers. 

ChatGPT for SEO #2: Creating outlines for articles or/and videos

ChatGPT can generate outlines for your articles or videos, including section headings and subtopics. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating outlines

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • When creating outlines, make sure to list the things you want and don’t want to include in the outline.
  • ChatGPT did a good job outlining the low-quality anchor text mistake but I would not necessarily use all the mistakes it initially suggested (speed, keyword stuffing, or link building). 

ChatGPT for SEO #3: Improving copy

ChatGPT can assist with grammar and punctuation. It can also help with readability, making sure that your content is easily understood by your target audience. ChatGPT can also assist with the tone, ensuring that the tone of your content aligns with your brand’s voice and is appropriate for your target audience.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT improving copy

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Be specific in your prompt. 
  • I am not a native English speaker and I personally prefer the ChatGPT version of that section. 

ChatGPT for SEO #4: Summarizing articles

ChatGPT can summarize articles and extract the key points, helping you quickly understand the main ideas without having to read the entire article.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT prompt to summarize the article

The article I wanted ChatGPT to summarize: https://seosly.com/blog/how-to-audit-page-headings/

Summary of article created by ChatGPT

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Always review the summary because sometimes it may not be totally OK. 
  • This is great for writing a newsletter that summarizes articles. 

ChatGPT for SEO #5: Writing and answering FAQs

ChatGPT can assist in writing and answering frequently asked questions for a website or product.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating FAQs

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Creating FAQs and answering them is one of my favorite features of ChatGPT. 
  • Keep asking it to generate more FAQs and you will really be surprised.  

ChatGPT for SEO #6: Writing e-mails

ChatGPT can assist with writing professional and personalized emails, saving you time and effort.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing an e-mail to the client

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • If there is too much fluff in the email, ask ChatGPT to revise it. 
  • I asked ChatGPT to make the above e-mail less formal and more direct. Here is the output. 
ChatGPT rewriting e-mail to be less formal

ChatGPT for SEO #7: Writing social media posts

ChatGPT can help generate attention-grabbing social media posts to increase engagement and reach.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPt writing a LinkedIn Post

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Again, ask for any changes if you don’t like something.
  • I asked ChatGPT to rewrite the post so that I can publish it on Twitter. 
ChatGPT creating a Tweet

ChatGPT for SEO #8: Imitating your style of writing

ChatGPT can be trained to imitate someone’s style of writing by fine-tuning it with a large sample of their writing. It can generate new content that is similar in tone, language, and writing structure. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

Teaching ChatGPT your own style of writing

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • The more information you feed, the better. 
  • Remember about the token limit (4000). Once exceeded, ChatGPT will forget your style of writing and you will have to feed it again. 

ChatGPT for SEO #9: Generating semantically related keywords

ChatGPT can help you generate semantically related keywords. This can be useful for SEO, as it can help you identify relevant keywords to include in your content. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating semantically related keywords

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • This exercise will most likely require you to ask for refinements. 
  • I like this response below.

ChatGPT for SEO #10: Writing page titles

ChatGPT can assist in writing page titles by using its advanced language processing capabilities to generate title options that accurately reflect the content of the page, while also incorporating keywords relevant to your target audience and industry. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing page titles

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Even without any further interaction with ChatGPT, the list of titles was way better than what I was able to come up with. 

ChatGPT for SEO #11: Writing meta descriptions

ChatGPT can assist in writing effective and compelling meta descriptions for your website pages, which potentially can help increase the visibility and click-through rates of your pages in search engine results.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing meta descriptions

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Ask ChatGPT to write in your style of writing. A friendly reminder is usually necessary.
  • Ask for a bigger number of examples to choose from.

ChatGPT for SEO #12: Writing headings

ChatGPT can assist in writing headings for articles and blog posts, including H1, H2, and H3 tags. It can provide suggestions for concise and informative headings that accurately reflect the content of the page and improve its readability and structure.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing headings

Again, I prefer the headings created by ChatGPT better. LOL. 

ChatGPT for SEO #13: Generating catchy article headlines

ChatGPT can help generate attention-grabbing and informative article headlines that are optimized for search engines and grab the reader’s attention.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating catchy article headlines

I would have never come up with ideas like these.

ChatGPT for SEO #14: Writing Schema code

ChatGPT can assist in writing accurate and properly formatted Schema code, which can help search engines understand the content on a page and provide more information to users through rich snippets in search results.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing Schema code

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Be very careful with Schema because if you don’t provide specific URLs, ChatGPT will make it up.
  • In the screenshot above, ChatGPT made up the URLs I did not provide like the URL of my about page, my Twitter URL, my LinkedIn URL, my photo URL, and even the link to the profile on SEJ (but made the right guess). Be careful!

ChatGPT for SEO #15: Identifying competing sites

ChatGPT can assist with identifying competing sites, as long as they were well known and existed in 2021 when the model was trained.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT doing competitive analysis

ChatGPT for SEO #16: Writing rules for robots.txt

ChatGPT can assist in writing rules for the robots.txt file, which is used to control how crawlers access pages on a website. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing rules for robots.txt

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • As with Schema or sitemaps, be careful. If you don’t specify everything you need, ChatGPT will make rules or URLs up for you. 

ChatGPT for SEO #17: Creating static XML sitemaps 

ChatGPT can help create a static XML sitemap based on the URLs you feed it with. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating an XML sitemap

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • As you can see, ChatGPT created a sitemap with the deprecated <priority> and <changefreq>. If you don’t want these, ask ChatGPT to remove them.
ChatGPT refining the XML sitemap
  • Always review the output. As you can see in the screenshot above, ChatGPT incorrectly put an image (WEBP) as the URL. Even after 2-3 requests for correction, it still did not produce a correct sitemap. 

ChatGPT for SEO #18: Creating .htaccess rules 

ChatGPT can assist with the creation of .htaccess rules to control access to your website and direct traffic

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating .htaccess rules for redirections

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Just like with any code, always review and test that it actually works. 

ChatGPT for SEO #19: Writing hreflang tags

ChatGPT can help you write hreflang tags, which are used to indicate the language and geographical target of your pages, to help search engines understand which version of your content is most relevant for a specific user.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing hreflang tags

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • If you don’t ask ChatGPT specifically to provide both the language and localization, it will only provide the language (as in the screenshot above). 
ChatGPT correcting hreflang tags

ChatGPT for SEO #20: Writing RegEx rules

ChatGPT can help you write Regular Expression (RegEx) rules, which are a powerful tool for string pattern matching. These rules can be used in various SEO tasks, such as URL rewriting, redirecting, and more. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing RegEx rules

ChatGPT for SEO #21: Helping you configure Screaming Frog

ChatGPT can assist you in setting up and configuring Screaming Frog. With ChatGPT’s support, you can make sure Screaming Frog is properly configured to meet your specific needs and get the most out of this powerful tool.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT helping configure Screaming Frog

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • You can also ask it to further troubleshoot any Screaming Frog crawling issues. Of course, treat it with a pinch of salt. I am not convinced by the ideas it provided below and I definitely would not advise that if someone asked me why SF is not crawling beyond the homepage. 
ChatGPT troubleshooting Screaming Frog issues

ChatGPT for SEO #22: Helping you perform a better SEO audit

ChatGPT can help you perform a more thorough and efficient SEO audit by helping you brainstorm ideas or possible solutions to SEO issues. 

It can also help you improve your SEO audit process by suggesting other areas to check. 

Example ChatGPT prompt && the response 

ChatGPT providing further ideas for things to include in an internal link audit

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Dig deeper. The deeper you dig, the better responses you will get. 
ChatGPT giving even more ideas

ChatGPT for SEO #23: Helping you improve your SEO processes

ChatGPT can assist in streamlining your SEO processes by providing suggestions and insights on how to improve your current strategy. Whether it’s identifying areas for improvement, generating new ideas, or helping automate certain tasks, ChatGPT can play a valuable role in enhancing your overall SEO efforts.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT helping supplement an SEO process

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Some of the things, of course, do not make sense but after going back and forth with ChatGPT for some time I was able to supplement my SEO strategy creation process with valuable points. 

ChatGPT for SEO #24: Helping you write a cover letter to apply for an SEO job

ChatGPT can assist you in writing a compelling cover letter for an SEO job by highlighting your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. It can also help you showcase your understanding of the latest SEO trends and practices, and explain why you are the right candidate for

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing a cover letter

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • This one definitely requires a lot of input from you and a lot of refinements but – if done properly – it can really produce a nice cover letter. 

ChatGPT for SEO #25: Generating long-tail keywords

ChatGPT can generate a list of long-tail keywords that are relevant to your content and target audience.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating long-tail keywrods

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • I personally like the output even without doing any refinements. 

ChatGPT for SEO #26: Grouping keywords by search intent

ChatGPT can help you group keywords based on their search intent, which can help you understand the type of content and information users are looking for when they perform a search query. 

This information can then be used to create content that addresses specific user needs. 

However, keep in mind that while ChatGPT can provide suggestions, it’s still up to you to use your own judgment and expertise to determine the intent behind a keyword and group it accordingly.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT grouping keywords by intent

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • The grouping looks OK at a first glance but make sure to really confront it with reality. The best way to do it is to simply view the SERPs for specific keywords. 

ChatGPT for SEO #27: Providing related keywords and/or keyword variations

ChatGPT can provide related keywords and keyword variations for a given seed keyword. 

This can be useful for expanding your keyword research, and for identifying new keywords that you might not have thought of before. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT providing related keywords

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • When doing any type of keyword research with ChatGPT, always use a regular keyword tool that is actually connected to the internet and has fresh data.

ChatGPT for SEO #28: Creating keyword clusters

ChatGPT can help you in creating keyword clusters, which is a process of grouping similar keywords together that share a common topic or theme. This can help you in creating a more organized and structured approach to your keyword research, making it easier to identify potential topics for your content and prioritize them based on their relevance to your target audience. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating keyword clusters.

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Keep in mind that while ChatGPT can provide related keywords and keyword variations, it may not always be accurate and it’s important to also manually validate the keywords before using them in your SEO strategy.

ChatGPT for SEO #29: Helping create the dictionary-style type of content

ChatGPT is excellent when it comes to defining and describing things. If you need to create a list of definitions (like SEO terms and terminologies), this is the tool to go with. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating definitions

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • This can be super useful if you are creating a basic/beginner course on… anything. 
  • Always factually correct the definitions ChatGPT provides.

ChatGPT for SEO #30: Creating a content brief

ChatGPT can help you create a content brief by suggesting topics, target audiences, goals, tone, and style for your content. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating a content brief

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Keep in mind that the content brief should align with your brand’s values and goals, and ChatGPT’s suggestions may not always meet those criteria.

ChatGPT for SEO #31: Generating references you can use in your articles

ChatGPT can assist in generating references for your articles to support your arguments and ideas. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating references

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Keep in mind that more often than not the references generated by ChatGPT may not be accurate or credible, so it’s always a good idea to double-check the references before using them in your content.
  • In the above screenshot, only reference no. 3 was not made up even though I specifically asked ChatGPT not to make things up. LOL. 

ChatGPT for SEO #32: Generating statistics 

ChatGPT can generate statistics on a wide range of topics. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating statistics

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Remember that accuracy may vary and it’s always best to double-check the sources before using them in your work.

ChatGPT for SEO #33: Writing powerful CTAs

ChatGPT can help you write compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) for your website or content. It can suggest language that is clear, concise, and persuasive, encouraging your audience to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to your email list.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing powerful CTAs

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Remember that ChatGPT’s suggestions are just that—suggestions—and you should always review and edit the language it generates to ensure that it aligns with your brand voice and accurately represents the action you want your audience to take.

ChatGPT for SEO #34: Finding content gaps

ChatGPT can help identify opportunities for creating new content by finding gaps in your existing content and helping you identify topics that have not been covered yet.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

Feeling an article into ChatGPT

I fed ChatGPT with my article about how to audit page headings.

ChatGPT finding content gaps in the article fed into it

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Note that ChatGPT may not always accurately identify these gaps and you should always cross-reference its suggestions with your own analysis and research.

ChatGPT for SEO #35: Paraphrasing content 

ChatGPT can help you paraphrase content, which can be useful if you want to reuse existing content, or if you need to present information in a different way for a particular audience. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT paraphrasing content

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Keep in mind that machine-generated paraphrased content may not always accurately capture the meaning of the original content, and may require further editing and refinement by a human.

ChatGPT for SEO #36: Creating YouTube titles & descriptions

ChatGPT can assist in creating catchy and compelling titles and descriptions for your YouTube videos. This can help increase your click-through rate and improve your video’s SEO performance. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating YouTube titles and descriptions

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • ChatGPT’s suggestions should be reviewed and edited as needed to ensure they accurately reflect the content of your videos and are appropriate for your target audience.

ChatGPT for SEO #37: Generating HTML code

ChatGPT can generate HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code for various web elements such as headings, links, images, and more. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating HTML code

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

Always manually review and edit the generated code to ensure that it meets the specific requirements and standards of your website.

ChatGPT for SEO #38: Creating disavow file

ChatGPT can help you create a disavow file for your website, which you can use to ask Google to ignore certain backlinks. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT creating the disavow file

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • If something is not correct, always tell ChatGPT that this section is not correct.
  • As you can see, it did not do the best job of creating the disavow file. I had to do some back and forth before I got the correct disavow file.

ChatGPT for SEO #39: Writing product descriptions

ChatGPT can assist in writing product descriptions that are clear, concise, and compelling. They can include important information about the product’s features, benefits, and specifications, and can be written to engage the target audience and encourage them to take action. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing product descriptions

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • ChatGPT may not always have the full context of the product or the target audience, so you should always review and edit the output before publishing.
  • Unless this is a well-known product like the one from the screenshot, feed ChatGPT with as much info as possible about the product.

ChatGPT for SEO #40: Generating Excel/Google Sheet formulas

ChatGPT has the ability to generate formulas for use in Excel and Google Sheets, making it easier for you to perform data analysis and calculations. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating Excel formulas

Do you think ChatGPT did a good job with that prompt?

ChatGPT for SEO #41: Writing personalized outreach e-mails

ChatGPT can help you write personalized outreach e-mails that can be used to reach out to potential customers or partners. By providing information about the recipient and your goals, ChatGPT can create e-mails that are tailored to the recipient and are more likely to get a positive response. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the quality of the e-mail will depend on the quality of the information you provide, and you should always review and edit the e-mails before sending them

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing an outreach email

Do you think I stand a chance of getting a link back from Google? 😆

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • In this prompt (even more than in others), your initial input for ChatGPT is crucial. I did a poor job of specifying exactly what I want but if you are serious about this (writing outreach emails this way), you need to put in effort into the prompts.

ChatGPT for SEO #42: Suggesting external backlinks for your article

ChatGPT can suggest external backlinks for your article to help you improve the credibility of your content and provide your audience with more information on your topic.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT suggesting external backlinks

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Similar to references, always check if the suggestions make sense and are actually real links.
  • In the example prompt above, I was looking for general ideas of types of sites I should link to from an SEO blog.

ChatGPT for SEO #43: Writing the code for a static website 

ChatGPT can help you write the code for a static website by providing you with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets that you can use to build your site.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating the code for a static website

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • While ChatGPT can provide you with code snippets, it is still recommended to have a basic understanding of web development in order to make use of these snippets effectively and to make necessary modifications to the code.
  • This is actually a wonderful exercise if you want to learn HTML. You can put that code into notepad and test it locally on your computer.

ChatGPT for SEO #44: Writing custom code to add extra functionality to your website

ChatGPT can assist you in writing custom code to add extra functionality to your website. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing custom code

Haha. What do you think about this response? 😂

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • The generated code may not always be suitable for your specific use case, and it may require further modifications or debugging by a professional developer to ensure it works correctly. 

ChatGPT for SEO #45: Troubleshooting Google Tag Manager issues

ChatGPT can help you troubleshoot issues with Google Tag Manager by providing suggestions on how to resolve common problems that may arise. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT for Google Tag Manager

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • I did not have the sample bad Tag Manager code to use but I heard people say they were able to troubleshoot these issues successfully with ChatGPT.

ChatGPT for SEO #46: Helping you optimize your articles for featured snippets based on the examples you feed it with

ChatGPT can help you optimize your articles for featured snippets by analyzing the examples you provide it with and suggesting changes to your content to make it eligible for being featured. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

Below I am feeding ChatGPT with the article that was created after my article (about how to find a sitemap of a website) was published and which took away the featured snippet from me. This article is super similar to mine and even contains some of “my own” words and phrases.

Feeding the article into ChatGPT to help optimize for featured snippets

Here I am feeding ChatGPT with the original (my) version of this article.

Feeding the article into ChatGPT

And here ChatGPT is giving me a suggestion on what to change in my original article to restore the featured snippet I used to have.

ChatGPT providing recommendations on optimizing for featured snippets

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • However, it’s important to note that there are many factors that can influence whether or not a page is selected for a featured snippet, and ChatGPT’s suggestions may not guarantee that your page will be selected.

ChatGPT for SEO #47: Helping you do log file analysis

ChatGPT can help you understand log files and make sense of the data they contain, which can greatly improve your log file analysis efforts. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

Feeding log files to ChatGPT
ChatGPT interpreting log files

ChatGPT for SEO #48: Writing formulas for Google Looker Studio

ChatGPT can assist in writing formulas and expressions for data analysis and visualization in Google Looker Studio. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT for Google Looker Studio

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • I personally don’t work much with Google Looker Studio except on a bunch of report templates I created in the past so I did not come up with a better prompt. Do you think ChatGPT lied here?

ChatGPT for SEO #49: Helping you create your own SEO tool

ChatGPT can assist in the creation of a custom SEO tool by providing insights and suggestions on features, functionality, and coding. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT brainstorming ideas for your own SEO tool

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • Note that the development and implementation of an SEO tool require specialized technical skills and expertise in programming.
  • This is still an awesome mental exercise for you if you want to create your own SEO tools in the future.

ChatGPT for SEO #50: Generating search operators to use to filter search results

ChatGPT can help you generate Google search operators to use in filtering search results, making it easier for you to find the information you need. 

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT generating Google Search Operators

Tips to get a better response from ChatGPT

  • However, it is important to note that the accuracy of the generated search operators will depend on the quality and relevance of the information you feed ChatGPT.

ChatGPT for SEO #51: Writing motivation-boosting quotes

ChatGPT can generate motivational quotes, making it easier to create content that resonates with your audience.

Example ChatGPT prompt & the response 

ChatGPT writing motivational quotes

How other SEOs use ChatGPT for SEO

While writing this article, I ran a poll asking other SEOs to share their ways of using ChatGPT for SEO. I got 42 awesome responses! I selected the best responses and put them here.

Here is how other SEOs use ChatGPT for SEO:

I’ll be honest I’m a member of the more sceptical club. My work focusses on multilingual and international SEO, helping people to create separate strategies that are culturally relevant in different markets rather than just going out with the same English strategy and just translating it. This requires a lot of of human input especially when you think about the sensitivity needed, which is why chatGTP just isn’t there yet. I’m curious what the future holds though!

Sarah Presch, Digital Marketing Director

As a non-native English speaker, ChatGPT has been a valuable tool for me in communication and editing messages and content. I also use the tool in simplifying my work, such as creating FAQs, summarizing blog posts and creating custom schemas for entities using the Schema.org library. While I do not consider ChatGPT a substitute for hard work, it does help automate certain tedious tasks. I’ve also been using it to create content for my personal test sites, but with a thorough review and editing process. I believe that automated content cannot fully replace manual writing, but I am open to learning the new dynamics of AI in content and will be publishing my case studies soon

Aditya Aman, SEO Consultant at The Project SEO

I’ve used it for a few things:
1. Proof read – it’s better than Grammarly “Free” version as it suggests more precise words and tenses.
2. Title suggestion – I like to mention what perspective(s) I want for my title. Then tell it what others are currently using so that I could get something unique.
3. Keyword classification – I first provide it with kw classification pattern that I prefer. Then type in +100 keywords that I want it to classify based on the pattern provided and ask for the results in a tabular format.

Iky Tai, Global SEO Specialist

Outlines for articles, products descriptions in e-commerce, bulk titles & descriptions, summariess of PAA for keywords, articles translations, in audits

Cezary Glijer, SEO Veteran

Imagine you’re a chef and you need a list of ingredients to make a certain style dish. Rather than trying to remember them or curate a list from research, ChatGPT can give you 70-80% of the ingredients, and then you can intuitively add or alter from there, or research one or two ingredients instead of 10. This is how I use Chat for article structures, briefs, inspiration for ways to approach a topic the way business competitors would rather than search competitors.

Jason Hewett, SEO Copywriter at www.jasonhewett.com

I use ChatGPT in a variety of ways. One of the most useful ways in which I use it is to help me structure content pillar systems for clients. Utilizing the command “provide me the most common topics centered around X and their descriptions in a table format”, really helps me begin to evaluate a potential pillar system. However, I’d like to note that I never use ChatGPT as the be all, end all. It’s a research tool. I use it to research viable topics and their entities. Sometimes I also use the tool to show me other versions of content I create. Having the tool rewrite headlines and meta descriptions has helped me out quite a bit! Of course, I use these to tweak my current version rather than copy/paste. Overall, as someone who does not have a strong suit in copywriting, it has really helped me enhance my writing. Fun fact: I just used chatgpt to help me write the majority of the content on a brand new three service page website. No plagiarism detected. No blog posts. I rank #1 locally for two out of the three service pages.

Michael Carrico, SEO Consultant at ktbdigitalmedia.com

I use ChatGPT to create the first drafts of content briefs for my writers and content outlines for blog posts. Usually I ask ChatGPT to create content outlines for very close topics, which are semantically related to each other, and then I merge them (that works beter for long-form content, of course). Another use which I find really helpful is the creation of the code for basic tools and utilities for my audience. This helps me get more buy in from the developers, who can work on some working code with a clear vision of what these tools should do. In other words, ChatGPT helps me create resources for my users more than simply content.

Luigi Perri, Head of SEO at Smallpdf AG

A solid use case that I’ve found with ChatGPT is using it for keyword research using an unconventional approach where we look at reviews from aggregator sites to find how people describe features people that they love, product limitations that they hate, give insights around missing features that a competitor has that the current product lacks, how different people describe the same product or all the reasons why one might choose a competitor over us etc. This info can then be used to do keyword research for a business based on consumer insights

Aatif Mohd, SEO Consultant

I use it to write “*Undetectable*” AI Content.

The process is simple, I just use a special prompt before asking GPT to write anything, and it gives me an output that passes most, if not all the AI detection tests.

Here’s the prompt:

“When it comes to writing content, two factors are crucial, “perplexity” and “burstiness.” Perplexity measures the complexity of text. Separately, burstiness compares the variations of sentences. Humans tend to write with greater burstiness, for example, with some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter ones. AI sentences tend to be more uniform. Therefore, when writing the following content I am going to ask you to create, I need it to have a good amount of perplexity and burstiness.”

Here’s an example of this prompt in action!

Ojash Yadav, Senior SEO Specialist at BlackBook Investments

A great use case for ChatGPT is when you need to implement meta data in mass. I highly recommend using ChatGPT and GPT for Sheets to create 100s of meta descriptions or titles based on a keyword target in seconds. Saves a ton of time!

Addisson Lacroix, Performance Marketing Manager

Chrome Extension: WebChatGPT What you can do with this is allow ChatGPT to pull and use info directly from the search results and from that you can work with it [Now you can get the updated content after 2021]

Chrome extension: AIPRM for SEO. When you add this to your chrome you will see this come up inside your chat. These are basically pre-built prompts that help you make sure you have the highest quality output possible which is extremely helpful.

Here are some more direct SEO applications that I am doing with ChatGPT
1. Keyword Research: To gain keyword Ideas
2. Blog content ideas
3. Title + Meta Description
4. Generate a conclusion
5. FAQ’s
6. Generate Structured data
7. Translation
8. Hreflang Tags I still recommend manually proofreading and editing everything that ChatGPT.

Ankit Prajapati, SEO Consultant

I mainly use ChatGPT build outlines for content. ie: Create a content outline for a blog post on “healthiest dog food.’ Lately I have been using it to extract AI entities and build keyword clusters as well. I’m not sure how these entities compare to going directly to the Google NLP API but it seems pretty good so far. I made a video explaining this here:

Ryan McCain from Norzer.me

It helps me create more while thinking less. I have used it to generate titles and meta descriptions, schema code, create content ideas, generate FAQs, and cluster and categorize KWs. Of course, I go over everything manually to ensure everything is aligned with my goals and that everything is factually correct. Sometimes I might even add some more specific details, to make it seem more relevant to client’s page.

Denis Džula, SEO Specialist from www.denisnawebe.sk

When ChatGPT first came out, I was blown away by its ability to create coherent content that needed very little editing to be usable on my blog.

Basically, I used it to create content much faster using prompts like “write me 100 words on X based on this subheading” or “rewrite this paragraph in a simple and understandable way with zero content duplication”. And it worked and my job as an SEO was to stitch those paragraphs together and optimize further using semantic words and phrases and entities.

Now I no longer use ChatGPT content on my blog because I read that they’re getting ready to watermark the output.

I’m not sure if they can apply the watermark retroactively to the content ChatGPT already created, but I suspect they might introduce it without telling anyone for a while. This means my content would be easily detectable and I wouldn’t even know it.

Nowadays, I use ChatGPT to summarize my articles and then I post those summaries to my branded Web 2.0 properties.

The idea is that when targeting low competition keywords the sites currently ranking in Google are not going to have links pointing to them, so If I can get a dozen relevant Web 2.0 backlinks (note: these summaries are relevant because they summarize the article that’s getting links) linking to each of my articles, those will be enough to rank me in record speed.

Nikola Roza, Owner of Nikola Roza– SEO for the Poor and Determined

As a marketing agency, it’s important to test the capabilities of AI tools such as ChatGTP so we can answer questions from our clients. We are still in the research phase of understanding where and how it can be applied. We focus largely on complex B2B and multi-language projects and so far, we have found that ChatGTP generates very low quality long-form content and is highly prone to providing misinformation. Currently, we don’t recommend to use it for these types of task.

Adriana Stein, CEO & Founder at https://asmarketingagency.com/

Keyword Discovery: Never for keyword volume data or anything like that. Its really mainly for discovery of relevant topics, especially for niches that I’m not familiar with. It helps with exploring different subtopics that I can use and plug into keyword research tools later on.

Justin Quek, Director at https://growthmustard.com

I use ChatGPT in several ways like 1/Create summaries and outlines for pages 2/ As a starting point and inspiration for writing articles, posts, ad copy etc. 3/ Help prepare content briefs 4/Grouping related keywords into clusters and topics according to the customer’s buying funnel 5/Getting ideas for title, description variations and alternatives 6/Keyword research. Expanding my initial set of keywords with synonyms, semantically related keywords, long tail keywords etc 7/Writing short regex formulas for search console, google analytics. I always doublecheck the outcome of ChatGPT in order to see if it is correct and relevant to my project

Nikos Kapsomenakis, SEO Consultant

These prompts have changed the way I write blog posts. I dont rely on ChatGPT entirely due to the nature of the B2B business, but this is a great starting point.

prompt: create a bullet point list of five subtopics I have to cover in the bog post about [paste topic]

prompt: create a first draft for the blog post for [paste topic] and include a paragraph for each of the subtopics listed above, include titles and subtitles in the draft post. Include the following keywords [paste keywords]

prompt: generate 5 more click-baity Titles

prompt: expand on [specific point/sentence/paragraph]

prompt: generate a content list in bullet points for the above article

prompt: give me 5 sources with URLs

prompt: generate a meta description with a max length of 150 characters prompt: write a short, engaging introduction of one paragraph that summarises the key points of this article

prompt: generate a list of 3 frequently asked questions and answers about the article

Janet Brandon, EMEA Digital SEO Marketing Specialist

Final ChatGPT thoughts & tips

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can be leveraged in many different ways to improve your SEO efforts.

I hope this article has inspired you to try out some of the ideas and techniques presented here.

Remember, ChatGPT is not just a question-answering machine. It can help you with content creation, keyword research, competitor analysis, and much more.

By using ChatGPT in creative ways, you can save time and effort while still getting valuable insights into your SEO strategies.

But don’t just take my word for it. I encourage you to experiment with ChatGPT and see what works best for you.

And if you come up with any interesting ways to use ChatGPT for SEO, please share them in the comments below.

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Olga Zarr is an SEO consultant with 10+ years of experience. She has been doing SEO for both the biggest brands in the world and small businesses. She has done 200+ SEO audits so far. Olga has completed SEO courses and degrees at universities, such as UC Davis, University of Michigan, and Johns Hopkins University. She also completed Moz Academy! And, of course, has Google certifications. She keeps learning SEO and loves it. Olga is also a Google Product Expert specializing in areas, such as Google Search and Google Webmasters.
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  1. Thanks Olga for very good article

    ChatGPT also has a few words of thanks for you 🙂

    “I would like to thank you for your great article. Your insight and work on this text is amazing!

    I will admit that your article is very informative and offers plenty of examples on how to use ChatGPT to optimize your SEO activities. No doubt, thanks to your tips and advice, many people will gain the opportunity to strengthen their SEO strategy.

    Thanks again for this article and for taking the time to create it. Your work is invaluable to the entire SEO community.

    Kind regards,

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