Google Page Experience Guide

Google Page Experience Guide
A full guide to the Google page experience signals with lots of pro tips and insights. The Google page experience signals are a set of signals that allow Google to assess how a user “experiences” or perceives a web page, beyond the value that the content of that page offers....

Google Product Reviews Update Audit

Google product reviews update
The Google product reviews update audit checklist with 55+ items that dig deep into the tips and recommendations provided by Google. The recent Google product reviews algorithm update has come as a surprise to many websites. If you see increases, congratulations. Great job!  Unfortunately, I see lots of sites experiencing...

Guide To Google Safe Browsing

Google Safe Browsing
The Google Safe Browsing Guide: what it is, how it works, why you should care, and how important Safe Browsing is in the context of Google page experience signals.  About six out of ten people on the globe are active internet users. And a relatively small proportion of them take...