Intro to the Cora SEO Tool (Game-Changer)

Cora SEO Tool
Here is the introduction to the Cora SEO tool, my top SEO tool for 2024 and on. Cora SEO Software is an advanced SEO diagnostics tool created specifically for expert-level search engine optimization. Using sophisticated statistical analysis, Cora measures and evaluates over 121555 potential ranking factors. It then identifies which...

How To Find Duplicate Content

How to find duplicate content
Learn how to find duplicate content on your website with the help of JetOctopus.  In this guide, I'll show you how to find duplicate content on your website and explain why it's important to stay aware of any potential issues. Although duplicate content isn't always a problem, it's good to...

How To Name Images For SEO

How to name images for SEO
Learn how to name images for SEO, better user experience, and accessibility. Let's chat about naming images for SEO. As a technical SEO specialist, I know just how important properly optimized images can be for search engine rankings and overall user experience. And it all starts with giving your images...

How To Audit Page Headings

How to audit headings
Learn how to audit headings on a page and the entire website like a real SEO auditing pro. The structure of headings on a website is one of the most important on-page elements that every SEO audit should check. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps for auditing...

Why Is Unique Content Important For SEO?

Why is unique content important for SEO?
Learn why unique content is important for SEO (and for your users). As an SEO professional, I can tell you that unique content is a crucial component of any successful SEO strategy. But what exactly is unique content? Simply put, it's content that is original and not duplicated from other...

Does Changing Page Title Affect SEO?

Does changing page title affect SEO?
Here is a short guide all about page titles (or title links). Today, I'm going to dive into a topic a lot of you have been asking about: does changing your page title actually affect your SEO? Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty details, I just want to clarify...

99+ SEO Mistakes

SEO mistakes
Looking to acquire some practical SEO knowledge? Here is a list of top 100 SEO mistakes I identified in the last 100 SEO audits I conducted. I am a technical SEO specializing in performing advanced and in-depth SEO audits that often take me 20-40 hours to complete.  I use 25+various...

Website Redesign SEO Checklist

Website Redesign SEO Checklist
A website redesign SEO checklist that will help you preserve your rankings when doing site redesign.  Doing website redesign (properly) is a very difficult task most of the time. Recreating something complete and functional that already works but can improve is often more challenging than creating something from scratch.  The...

SEO Meta Keywords

Are meta keywords bad for SEO?
In this quick SEO FAQ video, you will get to know Olga's insights and commentary on meta keywords. Are meta keywords good or bad for SEO? Are they still relevant? Do meta keywords affect SEO? Nope! Meta keywords are neither good nor bad for SEO because the most popular search...

On-Page SEO Checklist

On-page SEO checklist
The essential on-page SEO checklist (70+ items) that every SEO should always have at hand. Thanks to this on-page SEO checklist, you will get to know 70+ on-page SEO elements that are essential if you want your site to achieve its full SEO potential, discover several SEO best practices for each of...