Technical SEOs talk technical SEO & SEO audits.

This episode of the SEO Podcast by #SEOSLY features Nikki Halliwell. Based in Manchester, Nikki is a freelance technical SEO consultant and technical SEO specialist for a large UK agency.

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Interview With Nikki Halliwell

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Interview With Nikki Halliwell (video)

I record both the audio and the video version of each episode. Here is the video version for you.

Interview With Nikki Halliwell (audio)

You can listen to this episode of the SEO Podcast by #SEOSLY below.

Interview With Nikki Halliwell (notes)

Here are podcast notes summarizing the key points from Olga Zarr’s interview with Nikki Halliwell.

About Nikki Halliwell

  • Nikki is a freelance Technical SEO Consultant and Technical SEO Specialist based in Manchester, UK
  • She works for an SEO agency called Journey Further but also does freelance work
  • She started in SEO about 7-8 years ago when she was asked to build a website for a music company she worked for in marketing
  • Since then she has worked at 5-6 different SEO agencies and learned a lot about technical SEO and hands-on optimization
  • Nikki enjoys working with different clients across industries to solve unique SEO challenges

Nikki’s Insights on Technical SEO

  • Technical SEO is Nikki’s specialty and favorite part of SEO
  • She focuses a lot on site speed and performance but notes it should be improved for users, not just a page speed score
  • JavaScript can cause issues discovering site content – Nikki saw a site where pagination was JavaScript-based so Google couldn’t access pages beyond the homepage
  • She uses tools like Screaming Frog, Sitebulb, Encore, Google Analytics, Search Console and GTMetrix for technical SEO auditing

Tips on SEO Audits from Nikki

  • Nikki has done hundreds of SEO audits in her career
  • She starts audits by exploring the site herself first, to see user journeys and conversion
  • Her audit reports feature an overview, list of checks, priority matrix, roadmap and tabs detailing issues found
  • She offers custom audit reports like spreadsheets, docs or presentations based on client needs
  • Strange audit issues: sites launching noindexed, hreflang problems, meta refreshes interfering

Overall Nikki shared great insights into technical SEO issues she commonly sees with clients and how she approaches conducting detailed SEO audits.

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Check other interviews with SEOs

Olga Zarr is an SEO consultant with 10+ years of experience. She has been doing SEO for both the biggest brands in the world and small businesses. She has done 200+ SEO audits so far. Olga has completed SEO courses and degrees at universities, such as UC Davis, University of Michigan, and Johns Hopkins University. She also completed Moz Academy! And, of course, has Google certifications. She keeps learning SEO and loves it. Olga is also a Google Product Expert specializing in areas, such as Google Search and Google Webmasters.